Fiche cheval treasure of field

R6C2 du

plathandicap 23405happy valley1000M98091cornflower handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
15starry nightH53p7p8p4p9pdee m./100:57
23strive for gloryH61p4p0p0p3pferraris l./1encolure
36goodmanshipH65p9p(22)5p6phewitson l./11 l 3/4
44jazz steedH89p9p0p0p8pcurrie l./13/4 l
58tronic mightyH62p3p4p(22)2ppurton z./1tete
62har har at heartH50p7p0p(22)0pbadel a./11/2 l
710treasure of fieldH66p0p9p0phamelin a./1tete
812this is gutsH60p0p6p0pyeung m.l./11/2 l
91dragon kingdomH67p2p0p6p9pteetan k./1tete
107six best friendsH58p0p(22)0p0pchung y.l./11 l 3/4
1111call me luH66p0p0p(22)0ppoon m.f./13/4 l
129shiny twoH60p9p0p(22)0pmo h.t./1encolure

R6C2 du

plathandicap 25914happy valley1000M98091geranium handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
16strive for gloryH64p0p0p3p8pferraris l./100:57
28tronic mightyH63p4p(22)2p1ppurton z./11/2 l
311u w brotherH75p5p8p0p9pde sousa s./13/4 l
44jack winH52p0p0p(22)9pchadwick m./1cte tete
52goodmanshipH69p(22)5p6p1phewitson l./11 l 1/4
610treasure of fieldH60p9p0p(22)9phamelin a./1encolure
75raging blazeH61p2p1p2p5pteetan k./11 l
83six best friendsH50p(22)0p0p0ppoon m.f./13/4 l
91jazz steedH89p0p0p8pho c.y./14 l
107fortune turboH50p(22)0p0p0pchau c.l./1encolure
119this is charismaH80p0p(22)3p0pmo h.t./1encolure
1212this is gutsH60p6p0p(22)8pwong c./11 l 1/4

R2C2 du

plathandicap 27424happy valley1000M98091bowrington handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
11kowloon east starH62p0p0p7pchadwick m.5.65/100:56
29raging blazeH61p2p5p(22)5pleung k.c.5.7/13/4 l
36tronic mightyH64p(22)2p1p0pho c.y.8.4/1encolure
410day day richH73p0p(22)6p6pchau c.l.5.65/11 l 1/2
58u w brotherH78p0p9p(22)7pyeung m.l.14/1encolure
63aca powerH71p2p5p(22)4pbowman h.9.85/1cte tete
74smart folksH65p0p1p3p2pferraris l.7.75/1encolure
82universal crownH77p0p0p2pteetan k.10/12 l
911booming wellH68p0p(22)4p0pbadel a.12/1encolure
1012call me luH60p(22)0p0p0ppoon m.f.55/1cte tete
117treasure of fieldH69p0p(22)9p8phamelin a.24/12 l
125encoreH68p4p(22)0p0phewitson l.42/11 l 3/4

R2C1 du

plathandicap 28469happy valley1000M98091sheung shui handicap12 partantsdépart à 10:45
11diamond soarsH50p(22)0p1p4pbowman h.5/100:56
23kowloon east starH60p0p7p(22)0pchadwick m.20/11/2 l
39day day richH70p(22)6p6p5pchau c.l.28/11 l 1/2
48tronic mightyH6(22)2p1p0p0ppurton z.4.5/11/2 l
512shenronH66p9p6p(22)0pchung y.l.4.05/11 l 1/4
66shanghai powerH70p(22)9p5p0pteetan k.11/1cte tete
72universal crownH70p0p2p(22)0pborges v.11/13/4 l
810booming wellH60p(22)4p0p0pbentley h.7.5/1tete
97treasure of fieldH60p(22)9p8p2pferraris l.19/11 l 1/2
1011super classH57p(22)0p6p0pmo h.t.69/11 l 3/4
115sunshine legendaryH50p(22)5p4p0pleung k.c.12/1tete
124bell of victoryH5(22)0p0p0p7pwong c.138/13 l

R5C4 du

plathandicap 30777happy valley1000M98091wong shek handicap12 partantsdépart à 12:15
11g one excellentH52p2p2p8p4pho c.y./100:57
29tronic mightyH51p0p0p8p8ppurton z./1encolure
32colourful princeH58p5p3p9p4pchung y.l./11 l
411booming wellH50p0p5p0p5pbentley h./1cte tete
512raging blazeH56p5p4p3p4pde sousa s./13/4 l
66euromissileH50p0p2p3p0pbowman h./1nez
77circuit splendorH50p9p0p0p0ppoon m.f./1nez
88split of a secondH96p9p2p6p5phamelin a./11/2 l
93treasure of fieldH58p2p0p2p9pchan k.h./11 l 1/4
105star of wuyiH61p9p0p6p8pteetan k./11 l 1/2
1110super classH46p0p8p7p0pchau c.l./11 l 3/4
124carry the diamondH60p0p8p3p1pferraris l./14 l

R2C1 du

plathandicap 32084happy valley1000M102235bellahouston handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
112tronic mightyH50p0p8p8p6pyeung m.l.4.6/100:56
27g one excellentH52p8p4p3p4pho c.y.4.35/11/2 l
32nextmodelH74p6p7p7p3pchung y.l.3.5/11 l 1/4
49this is gutsH50p0p7p0pchau c.l.36/11 l 1/4
51take what you needH79p3p8p8p3pchan k.h.20/13/4 l
68felix the kingH50p0p0p3p6pcurrie l.91/11 l
711raging blazeH55p4p3p4p8ph. bentley11/1cte tete
85treasure of fieldH52p0p2p9p0pferraris l.18/1encolure
94shanghai powerH65p0p0p4p2pchadwick m.10/11 l 1/2
103telecom missileH64p8p7p5p4pleung k.c.20/11/2 l
1110towards successH50p3p4p0p6phewitson l.23/13/4 l
126carry the diamondH60p8p3p1p9pbowman h.16/1tete

R6C2 du

plathandicap 41089happy valley1000M94091stubbs handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
18sunny and goldH60p4p2p7p4pteetan k/100:57
23treasure of fieldH50p2p9p0p9phamelin a/11 l 1/2
312vectorH62p3p7p0p8pborges v/11 l 1/4
42shanghai powerH62p6p(21)0p2pmoreira j/11 l 1/4
57m m johnnyH6(21)7p7p0p5pleung k c/13/4 l
610e honeyH58p6p4p2pcurrie l/1encolure
711viva chefH68p0p7p0p7pmo h t/1nez
84day day richH62p(21)2p7p4pbadel a/1tete
95carry the diamondH63p6p8p(21)4ppurton z/1cte tete
109tronic mightyH58p8p6p9pmaia r/11/2 l
111euromissileH57p7p2p0p0ppoon m f/11 l
126fortune happinessH87p0p5p0p4pbentley h/13/4 l

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